rocking chair— there and back a distant coocoo bottle rockets Issue 43 August 2020
Author: Nicky Gutierrez
The Signature Haiku Anthology
scarescrow standing still The Signature Haiku Anthology 2020
overripe banana in the windowsill waiting to become bread Kokako 32 April 2020
freezing rain your footsteps here still Kokako 32 April 2020
St. Anthony statue catching wayward snowflakes Kokako 32 April 2020
Akitsu Quarterly
A Magi Gift One-dollar gold coins jingle in the small red bag. There’s at least twenty dollars in that tiny bag, but we won’t let my nephew spend any of them. Those coins will stay in his piggy bank till we are long buried and maybe even him. noon bells the dog’s ears perk Akitsu Quarterly Fall 2020
breaking the moon the plop of a bull frog Seashores Issue 4
mountain climb the sun already at the peak Seashores Issue 4
9th District Judge Finds Spiritual Growth on Pilgrimage
Poetry Pea
honking in the road geese Poetry Pea January 20th The Poetry Pea Journal of haiku and senryu Spring 2020
downward dog the sun rises The Poetry Pea Journal of haiku and senryu Spring 2020
frozen river the cracking of smiles The Poetry Pea Journal of haiku and senryu Autumn 2020
dawnbreak-- falling rain with the birdsong The Poetry Pea Journal of haiku and senryu Autumn 2020
Frameless Sky
a crisped apple the evening news in my hands Frameless Sky Issue 11
his dog waiting tables Bones Issue 18