moonless night fireflies over the field Haiku Connect Us
Author: Nicky Gutierrez
Blōō Outlier Journal
against the black my skylight reflection stares down at me Blōō Outlier Journal Winter Issue 2020
The Wanderer Brush: an anthology
virgin snow the cardinal cuts through The Wanderer Brush 2020
through the web harvest moon The Wanderer Brush 2020
chiming bells another step in the cold The Wanderer Brush 2020
The Ohio Haiku Anthology
samaras pelting me-- spring day The Ohio Haiku Anthology 2020
summer rain-- a lullaby The Ohio Haiku Anthology 2020
rippling water holds still the full moon The Ohio Haiku Anthology 2020
a box full of snow “free kittens” Kingfisher Issue #1 June 2020
12th Yamadera Basho Memorial Museum English Haiku Contest
Selected Haiku Submissions morning greeting a dead blue jay on the path Selected Haiku Submissions Collection September 2020
Haiku in Action – Nick Virgilio Haiku Association
sound of cicadas among the fireflies hidden moon Chrysanthemum 28
Cafe Haiku
coronavirus— the rain falls into silence Cafe Haiku Lockdown Poetry Series #19
The Cicada’s Cry
fireworks a distant explosion of barking The Cicada's Cry Summer 2020 Edition